Monday, 9 April 2012

Employing Leaflet Delivery, Leaflet Distribution Staff

Employing Leaflet Delivery, Leaflet Distribution Staff 

How to Find Them: You shouldn't have any trouble finding ample  leaftet delivery staff due to the flexible hours that you can offer.The work will appeal to pensioners, parents, students and anyone of the many people who are always looking for additional part time income.

You will have some turnover of staff, it's a numbers game I'm afraid, some people will love the work and others will hate it. You'll just have to keep employing people until you build up a good reliable team.

One word of advice don't tolerate lazy or unreliable staff, nip them in the bud quickly otherwise they'll make your life difficult.

Word of mouth is a good way to find staff, just tell everyone you know that you have vacancies, and ask them to tell their friends.

You can also advertise in the local newspapers on a regular basis, it's more expensive but it should bring a steady stream of applicants. Keep the advert simple, something like:

Leaflet Delivery, Leaflet Distribution People Wanted
SW Marketing (UK)
Luckwell Road,
0844 441 1634

Advertisement cards in shop windows can bring some applicants and doesn't cost much.

A method that does work well is to have some postcards printed that are asking for ‘leaflet delivery staff wanted', whilst at the same time, and on the reverse side advertising your  leaflet delivery service to all the local business people. This way you're sourcing staff and sourcing more business at the same time!
Then during your regular leaflet deliveries include one of the postcards, many of the specialist leaflet distribution companies do this all the time!

Another way is to use the same idea only on one side place an advert for leaflet delivery staff wanted, and on the reverse side of the postcard you design a ‘freepost' back checking questionnaire, where, you ask customers to tick certain boxes regarding the reliability of your service, etc.

Now here's the important part, this now allows you to state in your promotional material that you reserve the right to include one of your own leaflets for quality back checking of your leaflet delivery service.
It's a win; win because none of your customers are going to question your policy of back checking the delivery of their leaflets!

Also you can now promote in your sw marketing material that you have a quality controlled back checking system because you have!

Training and Instruction:
All new leaflet delivery, leaflet distribution staff will require some form of training and instruction.
This is best carried out by first of all preparing a short leaflet which explains:
  • Something about your company.
  • The Terms of Employment.
  • Health and Safety Tips
  • All the requirements of the work.
  • How to deliver leaflets.
  • How you will pay them.
  • Mention giving consideration to other peoples property.
  • Completion of paperwork.
Also include everything else that you can think of which you would like them to know about. The wording of each point doesn't need to be long; it just needs to get your
basic requirements understood.

Leaflet Delivery, Leaflet Distribution Staff Pay Rates:
The going rate of pay will depend very much on the going rate in your area. If rates of pay are higher, then it's highly likely the price per thousand to deliver leaflets will also be higher, so it's all relative at the end of the day.

You'll need to establish what the going rate of pay is per thousand leaflets, then, set your remuneration structure on a similar basis.

I'm listing the rates of pay obtained from one particular leaflet distribution company and these rates of pay are a good average of the rates paid throughout the country.
  • Three leaflets delivered together £33 per thousand
  • Four leaflets delivered together £35 per thousand
  • Five leaflets delivered together £37 per thousand
  • Six leaflets delivered together £39 per thousand
These are combined prices i.e. deliver one thousand of each of the three leaflets and receive £33.

A small bonus is then offered for hard to work areas, together with some fuel expenses. When you consider that most door drop leaflet campaigns comprise of between four and six leaflets, and then add in six to eight hours on average for one person to deliver a thousand leaflets, it's not great money for the work involved.

As I previously stated, there's a huge time difference between delivering one or two leaflets and delivering four leaflets upwards, that's one of the reasons why it pays to employ leaflet delivery staff after two leaflets.

Paying Your Deliverers:
If your Leaflet Delivery, Leaflet Distribution staff, are self-employed I'd just obtain their bank details and pay their earning's directly into their bank account on the 1st of each following month.

This means you only have to worry about paying them once each full calendar month.

If you employ your delivery staff on a ‘pay-as-you-earn'basis, you'll have to consult on the internet and request further information on pay-as-you-earn employees. You'll receive everything you'll need to know through the post. I would however still recommend that you pay them on a monthly basis.

We encourage anyone who is considering Leaflet Delivery and Leaflet Distribution in UK to call us now and so that we can start making a positive difference to your business.
For more info.
- SW Marketing
- Leaflet Distribution
- Leaflet Delivery
- Leaflet Distribution Bristol
- Leaflet Delivery Bristol
- Bristol Leaflet Distribution

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